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The Controversial Cluster Bomb Reserves: President Putin’s Unprecedented Admission, International Reactions...

In a statement that is likely to raise eyebrows on the global stage, Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the country's substantial stockpile of...

Singapore Minister Arrested In Unprecedented Top-Level Corruption Probe, Released On Bail

In a stunning turn of events, a high-ranking Singaporean minister has been arrested as part of an extraordinary corruption investigation. The arrest marks a...

European Parliament’s Resolution on Protecting Religious Minorities in Manipur: Urgent Action...

The European Parliament has taken a strong stance on the protection of religious minorities by adopting a resolution that calls for immediate action to...

Thailand’s Former Prime Minister Retires, Opening Doors for Democratic Transition and...

In a significant political development, the former Prime Minister of Thailand, who came to power through a military coup in 2014, has announced his...

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