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The Impact of Literature on Enlightenment Thought: Reflecting Cultural Values and...

Introduction Literature, a repository of human imagination and wisdom, played a pivotal role in shaping Enlightenment thought—a transformative intellectual movement that swept through the 18th...

Iran’s ‘Morality Police’ Revive Stricter Hijab Rules: A Tale of Social...

In the wake of nationwide arrests and simmering tensions, Iran's 'morality police' has made a powerful resurgence, implementing stricter Hijab rules that are reshaping...

The Controversial Cluster Bomb Reserves: President Putin’s Unprecedented Admission, International Reactions...

In a statement that is likely to raise eyebrows on the global stage, Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the country's substantial stockpile of...

European Parliament’s Resolution on Protecting Religious Minorities in Manipur: Urgent Action...

The European Parliament has taken a strong stance on the protection of religious minorities by adopting a resolution that calls for immediate action to...

Thailand’s Former Prime Minister Retires, Opening Doors for Democratic Transition and...

In a significant political development, the former Prime Minister of Thailand, who came to power through a military coup in 2014, has announced his...

Remembering the Deportation of Hungarian Jews: Unveiling the Tragedy through Images

Introduction In the annals of history, certain images serve as haunting reminders of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. While Auschwitz II-Birkenau is known for...

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